Compact 3-in-1 Stripboard DIYduino with Integrated Sensor and L298N Motor Shield

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

ArduinoISP Bootloader/Programmer Combination Shield (not shown) & Arduino with USB to serial chip (e. g. Arduino Uno ) to upload the bootloader and sketches to DIYduino. You can also use a USBtoSerial programmer for uploading a sketch and work around the Bootloader Shield and use the DIYduino you build here to load the bootloader. To create

Compact 3-in-1 Stripboard DIYduino with Integrated Sensor and L298N Motor Shield
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

the strip board layout I determined the schematic I wanted to create first. You can essentially do a strip board design with any schematic no matter if you invented it, downloaded it, or re-engineered it. For me the official Arduino schematic was a tad too complicated and essentially overkill for my purpose. Instead I altered the much simpler schematic of the minimalist Arduino as shown in the first figure. This schematic was published and discussed on. 2. I changed the values of the capacitors that smooth potential voltage peaks at the 5V regulator. These are the values that I had available in my stock and they`ll do the job. 3. I crossed out the LED/resistor connected to Pin13 to safe parts. I only connected an LED/resistor temporarily to test the functionality of the DIYduino as described later. Then I combined the minimalist Arduino schematic with a schematic of a L298N motordriver that I found on solarbotics`s site. I did this by connecting L1, L2, L3, and L4 (L298N pins 5, 7, 10, & 12) to the ATMEGA`s digital pins 7, 8, 13, & 12, respectively. Pins E1-2 and E3-4 (L298N pins 6 & 11) are connected to +5V for maximum motor speed at all times or to Arduino PWM pins 9 & 6 for adjustable motor speed, respectively. I am also showing the ATMEGA 168/328 pin map, which help me to assign the proper ATMEGA pins and which can be found at. The table shows all the parts for the devices including prices from Jan, 2013. I considered...

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