Cornet2 Vacuum Tube Moving Magnet Phonostage

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This little phono stage completely trounced my sub-mini phono preamp. The phono preamp was extremely quiet with my vintage Grado 8MR cartridge (not MC). This is not a vintage-sounding phono preamp. While it sounds pleasant and definately tube-based, it has resolution, soundstaging, and speed that no vintage design I know of can match. The soun

Cornet2 Vacuum Tube Moving Magnet Phonostage
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d is coherent, well balanced, and detailed. The critical midrange is warm without bloom, the bass solid and visceral when called for, the highs smooth. " - Kevin Kennedy The Cornet not only sounds superb, it has impeccable measurements too. Below is the 1kHz square wave performance, which demonstrates excellent equalization correction. Distortion is so low it is difficult to measure, but is mainly second-order in nature. Well, after a two month long wait for some backordered parts to arrive, the Cornet is completed, up and running. In a word: WOOOOOOOOOW! Even though it was still "cold, " it sounded great and surpassed my wildest expectations!. It is more extended, quicker and pleasant to listen to than any "sand" preamp that I`ve heard. I got some JAN tubes from Stu (Sylvania 5Y3, Phillips 12AX7s and G. E. 12AU7) and they match the preamp superbly. This is, without doubt, the best phono stage that I`ve heard under $1000. 00 and is the best $400 I`ve ever spent in audio! Your Cornet coupled with my Teres and AKSA power amp brought out the best in this recording. All I can say is WOW. Anyone that says vinyl is weak on bass has not heard this album [Love Stinks]. Ergo, the Cornet is up to the task of great bass reproduction. The second compliment I can pay to the Cornet is very nice HF extension. I have not played a CD in over eight weeks now and am reluctant to do so. The Cornet plays the highs so sweet and smoothly. Album...

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