Current to voltage converter proofing

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

At a T connection, it`s clear, but at a cross it`s otherwise not clear, especially if there are no junction dots elsewhere as in your schematic. It looks like the bottom of Is and the right side of R2 are supposed to be connected to ground, but your schematic says otherwise. Attention to detail matters. -1 for sloppiness and thinking you are above the standard conventions.

Current to voltage converter proofing
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I guess you should tell that to the publisher; it looks like it`s from a textbook. (In which case all schematics in the book will be like that :-) stevenvh Aug 28 `12 at 13:10 @stevenvh: No, it`s not my issue where the OP got the schematic from. I don`t care if he drew it himself on a napkin, used schematic software himself, or copied it from elsewhere. He is the one that posted it here, so he has the responsibility for it. There is lots of crap on the internet. It is in no way acceptable to post crap just because you saw it elsewhere. Olin Lathrop Aug 28 `12 at 22:50 I agree with Olin Lathrop. If the cross at the bottom is no connection then the problem becomes a completely different one Federico Russo Jul 29 `13 at 13:19

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