DIY Intercom Design Thread 4

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Nothing wrong at all with that setup IMO. I`ve an (older) Peltor FMT15 amp in my Golf. Works awesome for 2 Peltor headsets. The issue is mixing Peltor & Terraphone headsets/amps. All (3) of the cars I`ve co-driven in this year have Terraphone amps. They`ve pretty much sucked w/ my Peltor headset (low audio from me). Heck, I`ve considered putting a Terraphone headset into my Peltor helmet. I want an amp that`ll

DIY Intercom Design Thread 4
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mix-n-match Peltor, Terraphone, Stilo, Planet, J&M, iPod, etc. headsets and provide equal volume to both sides. independent+adjustable mic gain & speaker volume controls for both sides. Heck, I`ll supply `em to the drivers likely to give me a ride (and also put one in my car). As far as the Peltor and Terratrip connections go. After looking at the two connections, its really easy to make the back of the intercom have connections for both. So there will be two connections for each channel, one for the Peltor and one for the Terratrip. But what I am going to do is, just put female jacks on the box, and then make cables for either connector opposed to having 2 cables coming out of each channel. Also as for the dynamic mics that Peltor uses and the Electret mics that Terratrip use. I`m going to have a -20dB pad switch (in the form of a dip switch) to compensate for the different gains. That way if the driver is using Peltor and the co-driver is using Terratrip the volumes will still be equal. You will put the -20dB pad `ON` for use with Terratrip headsets and put the -20dB pad `OFF` for the use with Peltor headsets. I bought a pair of helmets and they came with Avcomm helmit kits installed. They have nexus plugs as well has a 3. 5 mm jack for audio in (works great for monitoring the HAM). I tried both helmets with two different Peltor amps and got feedback like squeal with both. Heard something about switching wires 1 & 2 on...

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