Daft Punk Coffee Table 5x5 LED Matrix using an Arduino

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

You may need also need 10 diodes and different resistors, especially if you are using white LED`s please the Troubleshooting section in step 3 for details. . 005 ³ thick matte drafting film I bought a sheet from a local artist`s supply store. The smallest sheet they had was way more than I needed 24G—36 ³ The LED`s I used were po

Daft Punk Coffee Table 5x5 LED Matrix using an Arduino
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

int source water clear. If you don`t want to deal with hotspots in your display, diffused would be better. I had to put blobs of hot glue on mine to diffuse them. The photo below only shows bits of the foam board, because I forgot to photograph the parts before I started. The piece I used was about 16G—20 ³ to start with. I used foam board, which was recycled from one of my kids` science fair projects. It is a sandwich of white paper with a foam core, 3/16 ³ thick. The overall size is approximately of our project is approximately 10x10x2 ³. I cut the parts with a mat knife, and hot glued it together. To make the grid, cut 8 identical 2G—10 ³ pieces. Then cut 4 equally spaced slits into each one. The slits should be 1 ³ deep, the same width as the foam board. Interlock the pieces to create the 5G—5 grid. Finally, cut the 2 (10 3/8)x2 ³ pieces for the top and bottom. My foam was 3/16 ³ thick, so I had to add 3/8 ³ tothe length to make them long enough to cover the sides. Hot glue them on. Note that in the photo below which includes the top & bottom & sides, the LED`s are already installed and wired up. This is because I didn`t attach the top/bottom/sides until I was in the testing phase, but it`s easier to deal with if you glue them on earlier in the process. Cut small diagonal slits in the center of each cell, and insert one LED in each cell. Make sure to orient them the same way in each cell. This will make it less...

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