Dimmer circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Dimmer, from the word n. dim, v. to dim . Simple device to make light of incandescence lamps lower. Also, used to slow down colector motors. All this started because Lithuanian internet is full of old soviet circuits with archaic components. Meanwhile other  world is using much better way to dim lamps. Component selection is not very critical:

Dimmer circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

triak BTB04-600SL (ST semiconductors, 600V, 4A, trigger curent 10mA), diak or trigger diode- DB3 ( fire at  32V), inductors was about 3mH. There are lots of versions of this circuit in the internet. In one version I saw 50uH inductor, T0609MJ and BR100. Just check if maximum allowed values are not outmeasured. Also, it is posible to find triak and diak in one package. I found one packade silicon device in some vacuum cleaner. As power of motor was about 1500W, triak-diak was with small aluminium cooler (~8 square centimeters).

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