Electronic Transformer Applications

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The EM4294 is an analogue front end for high secure 13. 56MHz RFID reader systems. The reader integrates the crypto algorithm of the EM4035 transponder IC associated with 4 secret keys. Each secret key is 96 bit length and it gives access to the EM4035 tag protected memory after a true mutual authentication process between the tag and the reader. T

Electronic Transformer Applications
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he secret key CAN not be read by an external device and their integrity is protected by a 32 bit password. The reader IC incorporates also 40k Bytes of user free memory accessible through an ISO7816-3 serial line. The EM4294 RF blocks are similar to the EM4094 one and have the same parameters and performances. The EM4294 reader chip CAN be used in different systems having sub Carrier frequencies from 212kHz to 848kHz, hence covering ISO14443 and ISO15693 and Sony FelicaTM protocols. By EM Microelectronic

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