Electronics and Home Automation

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This is based on a circuit from the superb electronics info pages at. If you want to know more about IR remote controls, from circuit details to data protocols, look there for info (under `remote control`)! This design allows multiple transmitters and receivers, all connected to a common 2-pin bus, consisting of data and ground. Data is active-l

Electronics and Home Automation
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ow, pulled up by a resistor (in the transmitters) when not in use. This system was prototyped using the Temic TSOP 1838 module, then available from Maplin in the UK, which has now been discontinued. Keith Doxey may be able to sell you some. If anyone comes across another source for it, please let me know- contact details below. In the meantime, the Sharp IS1U60, available from RS Components, may do the same job (I`ve not yet tried it). For reference, the Temic part draws 1mA, has a usable range of at least 6m indoors, and 1-2m under bright fluorescent light, and includes a 100k pullup resistor on the output. The TSOP1838 device is a complete IR receiver in a 3-pin package. All that is required is a 5V power supply, applied to the appropriate pins. In the near future, I will add a schematic for a simple supply derived from a 12V supply (eg a battery or a `wall-wart` type supply) Most equipment is quite tolerant of modulation frequencies varying by about 5% (eg 38kHz nominal, 36-40kHz will work), but if you have an oscilloscope or frequency meter, you can change R3 to get the output closer to 38kHz (capacitor tolerances are high, so the circuit as built could oscillate at 38kHz +/- 20%, reducing range). If you don`t have access to any test equipment, and you need maximum range, fit a 200K trimmer in place of R3 and adjust it by trial and error for best results. This circuit is distributed as `feedbackware`- if you build it,...

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