Fan control troubleshooting Microcontroller Programming

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Control a fan using an LM34 temp sensor and a computer fan with model number : ASB0912L. I used a 2N7000 mosfet transistor as a switch. I want my fan to run at 35% duty cyle when the temperature is above 77 fahrenheit and to run at 0% duty cycle when temperature is equal to or less then 77 fahrenheit. I tried using the code below but the fan keeps running all the time. // fan_controller. c // for NerdKits with

Fan control troubleshooting Microcontroller Programming
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ATmega168 #define F_CPU 14745600 #define PWM_fanspeed_2 12915 //For 7ms high time = 35% duty cycle #define PWM_fanspeed_START 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ". /libnerdkits/delay. h" #include ". /libnerdkits/lcd. h" #include ". /libnerdkits/uart. h" // PIN DEFINITIONS: // // PC0 - temperature sensor analog input //Denne funksjonen velger sammenlingningsverdien til telleren void pwm_set(uint16_t x) { OCR1B = x; } //Denne funksjonen setter opp instillingene for FAST PWM mode 15 void pwm_init(){ //Setter perioden til G¥ vGre 20 ms OCR1A = 36864; //Setter servoen til midtposisjon pwm_set(PWM_fanspeed_START); /* //Har under skrevet til to ulike registre for G¥ aktivere dei forskjellige instillingene //Skriver til registeret TCCR1B for G¥ sette opp prescaleren til 8. TCCR1B = (1<

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