Fogger controller

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Foggers used to generate fog and smoke effects operate by heating a special fogger fluid. They consist of a heting element which is kept in the right temperature using a thermostat. When the operator want to generate smoke, he/she presses the controller button which starts the pump which pumps fog fluid to the heating element. When smoke fluid ent

Fogger controller
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ers the heating element, in starts to evaporate and produce smoke. Cheap foggers usually come with only a simple one button controller. This controller is useful for smoke starting smoke effects on user request, but is not very useful if you want to keep up a constant level of fog on the room. This is where more expensive foggers come to play, because they come usually with a controller which allows you to generate fog at some slow constant adjustable rate. If you happen to own a cheap smoke machine and happen to want this kind of functionally only found on expensive models, the circuit shown on this web page might turn to be useful to you. SUPERSTAR FZ-920 SMOKE MACHINE uses 3 pin IEC connector for the fogger remote controller. This kind of connector is used on many computer equipments for connecting grounded power to the equipment. In this application this connector is used in quite nin-traditional way. The following circuit diagram shows the circuit diagram of the remote controller which came with the fogger: But anyway that was ho the original product was designed. If I were the redigned of the smoke machine, I would have done the thing a little bit differently. If you want more information on the insides of the Superstar FZ-920 smoke machine, take a look at my crude drawing of the circuits inside FX-920 smoke machine. To make this circuit remotely controllable, all I had to do was to add relay on parallel with the...

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