GVI Digital Remote Control

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

GVI Digital Remote Control for DSLR camera is a step forward from my previous remote control for Canon EOS 450D. This remote is based on AVR Microcontroller ATmega328 and is programmed using Arduino IDE GVI Digital Remote Control is a tool for photographers to trigger cameras or flashes based on input signals from various sensors - for the momenti use only sound and light inputs, but maybe

GVI Digital Remote Control
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

in the future i will add more sensors. Thislight sensor gives you a huge amplification of the signal and can be use to trigger in the dark of night or in the day time (not tested yet in a very sunny day). R1 is used to adjust the sensitivity of the circuit while R2 controls the gain (amplification of the input signal). This unit is controlled using a push button (Menu Function) and a joystick switch (Up, Down, Left, Right and Set functions) and the remote control settings values are displayed on an Nokia 6100 display (132x132 12bits GLCD) with Philips controller. The LCD driver for this controller is based on this documentation can be downloaded from here for Philips PCF8833 controller and here for Epson S1D15G00 controller.

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