Generative Art Conference GA2006

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The conception of this project is directed to the study of the environment response due to a human action. Based on that subject, an environment was prepared with several visible rays of laser. If one of theses rays is interrupt (eg. someone crosses it), an alarm will be triggered. Therefore, the space of the environment is sensible to the presenc

Generative Art Conference GA2006
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e of people. The reason to develop the power source is to replace the laser beans batteries - which don`t have autonomy greater than a couple hours - and also to feed the trigger circuit (see circuit diagram on figure 1). There are two different outputs. One output is stabilized, with DC 5 V and 5 W maximum power. It has the purpose to feed the laser beans. The 7805 voltage regulator is the one that best suits to the lasers connections, because it`s voltage output is 5 VDC, while the beans need 4. 5 V. The difference of the voltage will be solved through the insertion of a resistor in series with each bean. This experiment will have 4 laser beans, fed by the 5 V power source. Each laser bean works with a 4. 5 V voltage and 20 mA current. Therefore, using the Ohm`s law, follows: The alarm circuit consists on a LDR sensor (Light Diode Resistor) that operates as a trigger of the BC327 transistor. If the ray of laser stops falling upon the LDR (eg. a person or an object has crossed the laser ray), it will make the transistor enter on its conducting procedure. If the transistor starts conducting, it will energize the relay. The relay has an electric seal that keeps it energized even if the transistor stops conducting. The siren is connected through the relay to the 12V power source, therefore, if the relay is activated, the alarm is triggered. The project will have 13 mirrors, with dimensions of 50x50 mm and transparency equal...

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