HD44780 16x2 Char LCD Interfacing with microcontroller

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Analphanumeric low cost LCD Display is very essential for may small and big projects to Displayvarious type of information. Hitachi HD44780 Chipset based 16x2 char LCD is Really very cheap andeasily available in the local market. In this project we are going to learn various things about this chip set anddisplaying text on this LCD. The HD44780 1

HD44780 16x2 Char LCD Interfacing with microcontroller
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6x2 char LCD screen Use 8bit and 4 bit parallel interface with backlight. using 8 bit method is quite simple but take 8 lines (for data or command)+ 3 control signal total 11 line, i guess few small microcontrollers don`t even have that much of I/O lines, so in 4 bit mode total 7 lines (sometimes 6 ) arerequired. in this tutorial i will show you with both of the methods. in 8 bit mode all the Data line DB0 to DB7 are being used fortransferringthe the data to lcd but in 4-bit mode only 4 line form DB4 to DB7 are being used totransferthe 8 bit wide data in two peaces one after another.

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