Icom IC-751 RAM reprogramming

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Everything, it seemed, functioned normally. To me was pleased both half-duplex and work from the pedal in the telegraphic regime, when operator has the capability transferring, to listen to in the pauses of his transfer and here to pass into the usual regime, having simply harvested to the pedal at the necessary moment. Earlier I used the same approach with the construction of the home-made transverter, which worked with R -250M2.

Icom IC-751 RAM reprogramming
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Then I was switched to another band. To me was not immediately pleased used by designer sufficiently foolish ergonomics of double action, i. e. , pushing of knob, and then the turning of the tuning knob of apparatus for changing the range. However, I properly was worried, when, being located to 14025. 0 and changing range, I saw on the scale incomprehensible 21049. 4 kHz! Already having an experience with the transceivers, mentioned above, including the apparatuses of approximately the same class - 735 and 745, I was convinced that I must prove to be after the change of range to 21025, 28025 and so on. But mysterious 049. 4 as before remained on the scale! I turned off transceiver, waited three minutes, then was again included it. Strange defect was present. Those of the readers, who although once read Murphy`s laws, must know that no one immediately reads instruction, encountering problems. Yes even Murphy`s itself recommends the reading them only when it ceases to work absolutely all. So I honestly continued further completely in accordance with old Murphy`s laws. Observing the strange transition point with the band selection, which by no means could not be explained from the position of the common sense (I he forgot about one - programmers in firm ICOM generally we could ever not be wireless enthusiasts), I solved, that some one of CMOS IS, which are been located inside, it was defective. Before the fact in me was...

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