Introducing DOGZILLA

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The chassis layout has been designed, and the 17` x 14` x 3` steel chassis is ready for drilling and hole-cutting. There`s no backing off now, Dogzilla will live! It`s actually starting to look like a piece of gear. Most of the chassis parts mounted, except for the iron. Those pretty gold vent-hole screens came from the local paraphernalia shop. S

Introducing DOGZILLA
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ure got a funny look when I asked for 20 of them. The iron and the metering switch box are now mounted. Far left: 5V filament transformer for rectifiers, and the B+ power supply filter choke. Center: balanced line input transformer. Right: two Hammond 1650R output transformers (the old style, before they started putting those stupid knock-outs in the bells). Also the 6V filament transformer, and the wee "small amp emulator" OPT (hidden by the meter box). Underneath are four more transformers (filament supplies for pass regulator, control supply, and auxiliary B+ and negative bias supply). Finally, almost all of the ruddy mechanical stuff complete. I was getting tired of metal filings and shavings everywhere. Underneath, there`s a dozen 8-prong terminal strips, the bias control board, and barrier strips for power and speaker signal distribution, ready to start the major task of wiring it all up. Here`s a sneak preview of what it will look like when complete. The only thing I`d change in the layout would be to move the input section to the other side, away from the HT power supply. (I`m hoping to get away with it by shielding and insulating the input stuff within an inch of its life. ) All the mechanics, and much of the wiring complete. Opted out of the 866AX rectifiers originally planned, mainly because my filament transformer arced over and I couldn`t be bothered to replace it. Also dropped the individual cathode bias...

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