KB0PS ILink Station

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The following is a layout of my repeater system and what was needed to get it on the air. The ILink system was designed by Graeme, M0CSH, and I take no credit for its success. The circuit below is only required by repeater control stations (sysops) and not by the average PC user of ILink. This information is only provided to help other amateurs li

KB0PS ILink Station
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

nk their repeater to the ILink system. The link receiver consists of a separate Hamtronics R301 VHF receiver with the Hamtronics TD-5 subaudible tone decoder. The VHF receiver is tuned to 147. 240 MHz and receives the repeater activity off-air. Whenever there is activity on the 147. 240 repeater COR, the repeater generates a 77 Hz subaudible tone which in turn un-mutes my link receiver. The link transmitter consists of a separate hamtronics T304 UHF transmitter which sends link audio to the repeater via a UHF link. Whenever the link COR is active at the repeater, the 77 Hz subaudible tone is disabled to prevent a feedback loop into my link system. The UHF link is voted at the repeater and its priority is set very low. This allows any 2 meter activity to override the link which in turn gives us full control of the link system. This is the layout of my iLink board. When building this board, I used screw terminals for all of my external connections. I find this dresses up the board nicely, and makes it very convenient when testing the circuit out; there is no need to solder and unsolder connections. The circuit is build on perf board which was purchased from Radio Shack. A lot of my projects are down with perf board due to the time saved in laying out a board. Also, perf board is easy to work with if there is a time when I need to make a modification to the circuit. The ILink circuit was designed by Graeme, M0CSH. I drew up a...

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