KG6MVBs Rig to Computer interface

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This page describes a modification that you plug in to your radio and computer. Do this at your own risk! It`s your choice to do this. I`m not forcing it on you. If you don`t, hey, no hard feelings, but if you do and mess something up, don`t blame me. This was designed and tested on an Icom 718 HF rig and a Dell laptop. This should work on any Ico

KG6MVBs Rig to Computer interface
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m rig that has a 13 pin accessory port, however I have only tested it on my 718. Kenwood rigs have a similar port, however the pin outs are different so beware! I am the type of person who likes to push every button, twist every knob, and try every option on any piece of electronics I get my hands on. After purchasing my Icom IC-718, I discovered the page in the manual where that mysterious 13 pin accessory connector on the rear was documented. Since I know that I can not be cured, I had to put it to use. As a bonus, If I can build it myself - need I say more The main purpose of this device is to provide total isolation between the computer and the rig. You don`t want to create ground loops connecting it all directly. Computer hash in your HF rig will make you miserable, and RF in the computer. isn`t Windows unstable enough Many of the parts I used were from my junk box. For the parts I did not have, I found them at All Electronics, which is a electronics surplus store about 10 miles from work. I do NOT recommend Radio Shack for parts, as they are very overpriced, if they even have the part! If you do not have an electronics store in your neck of the woods, I would suggest looking online. The only part I had trouble finding was the 13 pin DIN connector. I found one at HRO - it is for a Kenwood, but they are universal. The audio is coupled through 1:1 transformers. These are the type you find in modems. You do not want to...

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