LED Hat Display with Pong using an Arduino

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A while ago, as my first microcontroller project, I made a Pong game on a 5G—7 LED display, but then nothing became of it. Recently I was given a hard hat as part of a uniform (for an engineering competition) and told to customize it, and remembered pong. For the first step, you need to solder wires to the display. You will also need to solder one

LED Hat Display with Pong using an Arduino
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

switch from the dip switch between the two colours` cathodes for each row. To make it clearer I have attached a schematic of the display in the pictures (click the [i] on the picture to get the full sized version). For this step you need to solder the microcontroller socket to the breadboard. Then solder all of the power connections to the microcontroller socket pins. If you are unsure which pins to solder, there is a good reference here. Now you need to attach the wires coming off the LED display to the breadboard. To help with this see the attached schematic, or you can look in the code in the intro to find the output pins on the arduino. For each switch, it is one contact of the switch connected to the corresponding microcontroller pin and the other to the positive voltage. There is also one resistor from the input pin to ground for each switch.

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