Laser Beams and 555

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

A laser trip wire that actuates a camera. An ambient light sensor by Vishay, the TEMT6000 [ datasheet ] from Sparkfun Electronics, acts as an NPN transistor attached to a 555 in BiStable mode. The output is sent to a logicinverter for quick visual status, then off to another 555in Monostable configuration. The output from that 555 canbe used to actuate any number of devices

Laser Beams and 555
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

(Electric squirt gun, Sirens, Nerf guns, etc. ), but in this exampleI have my camera set up in continious fire mode, as the output stayes on for several seconds. This could be used forcatching a burgler (who probably wants to steal my camera), or more usefull items such as taking pictures at the end of a race.

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