Light following robot

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

One of the motors always seem to hesitate and be on or off randomly. Also the motors are just very unpredictable in general (with this setup that is). When I use them independently they work fine without any hesitation or anything. Regarding your GPS unit, it does have a Low Voltage TTL serial output on the connector. I can`t find a decent datasheet to look at so do not know

Light following robot
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the voltage range for this output (3V at a guess). Not sure what your issue is with the servo`s. My guess is that you need to ensure the earths/0V are good and that there is good decoupling caps around the 08M. I`d agree with the comments above (#4) where the supply has not been seperated for the servo and picaxe. The servo start-up, running or change in direction could cause a dip in power to the picaxe. you`ll see erratic movement but the picaxe is seeing brown out and power on resets. The more "worn" the batteries become the more common the problem. Use of an LED indication may help with diagnosis, say turn on an LED for 1/2 second. Turn off and start the servo, if you`re seeing the LED come on again then you`re seeing the program restart after some sort of reset! The easy solution is seperate battery packs and a common 0v. The location of the common point can be important, you don`t want return current from the motor passing the picaxe (it can raise the potential of the "0V" to picaxe), give it a short route back to it`s battery. Running the servo`s from another supply is not accepteable in the end but to get it working atleast, it is. I tried using a dedicated supply for the servo`s with the GND connected to GND on the supply powering the circuit but the same problem perists. I have capacitors over the picaxe`s (no idea if they are ceramic or not but you can see them on the pictures) and a 100uF capacitor over the...

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