MDB Ventures Vacuum Tube

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This file contains information on tube transconductance. How it is computed and how it is used. It is one of the best descriptions around. It is simple and doesn`t get very deep into the math. It is an old 1940s Bell Labs document written by T. Slonczewski. This file contains information on tube measurements, including mutual conductance, grid vol

MDB Ventures Vacuum Tube
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tage, plate resistance, plate current and plate voltage. This is primarily a description of the underlaying physical aspects of the tube and how it works. The text only very lightly touches on the math. If you know Ohms law you will be perfectly comfortable reading this artical. These two files contains information on how to test photodiode tubes as well as photoresistors and solidstate photodiodes. The text file describes how to perform the test, the second file shows the schematic. This file is a description of the common 80, 5Y3, 5Z3 and 5U4 type fullwave rectifier tubes. It also describes when and how you can substitute the tubes with other common varieties and how to replace them with solidstate diodes. This file is a one page ad for the Amphenol magic eye tube mounting assembles It includes a detailed description of the assemblies and example diagrams for wiring eye tubes into existing circuits. These two files are from a data sheet included in a RCA UY-227 globe tube box. The first is the data sheet for the tube. The second is the license agreement. Yes, you had to open the package to read the agreement. Sound familiar This is a zip file containing eight pages (JPG format) from a Burroughs document about their Nixie tubes including, data, characteristics and circuit designs. This is a png file containing the schematic of the stock quote circuit board. Sorry about the poor quality, it is all we have. It is a high...

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