Many simple door buzzer sound circuits

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Door Buzzer by use, IC 555. Perform sound electric bell origin. When press S1 as a result have a voice fair loud. This circuit almost must not do anything. Because divisible Amen! should use 25-80ohm size loudspeakers. will make good sound use force against electricity low work or economize the electricity. You will may use 9V batteries all right sir. Someday I goes to visit a friend.

Many simple door buzzer sound circuits
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He begs me helps to seek electric bell front door circuit. In model to be simple, use the a little equipment. I then choose the Door Buzzer circuit this give. Because of use, IC NE555 produce electric bell sound and use IC LM386 for amplify talk at one time. For R1 use fine decorate the sound as you like it. request have fun this circuit. This is a basic electronic ell circuit, it is interesting. We use a number of IC-741 Op-amp, it works. When you press S1 will be mimic the bell sound at the output pin 6 of IC1, which we can fine tone sound with three potentiometer are VR1-1M, VR2-1M and VR3-1M to control sound as close as possible. We set form of the audio oscillator generator or sine wave form can be changed with by pressing our S1. But sound is slight required to use power amplifier for boost up its. And this circuit need the dual power supply positive, ground, and negative 9V power supply.

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