Measurement Related

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Audio Level Meter Description A simple and low cost audio level meter circuit that can be used to measure the audio level of your sound source. This circuit is a valuable tool for those who are interested in audio circuits. The circuit is designed with a flat frequency response in the range of 20Hz to 50Khz. Input sensitivity is 100mV for a FSD on

Measurement Related
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a 100uA ammeter. The circuit is build based on on two common emitter amplifiers, the first stage has a preset resistor R3 (1K) which may be adjusted for a FSD. The last stage is biased to operate at Function Generator Circuit The ICL8038 is a function generator chip, capable of generating triangular, square, sine, pulse and sawtooth waveforms. From these sine, square & triangular wave forms can be made simultaneously. There is an option to control the parameters like frequency, duty cycle and distortion of these functions. This is the best function generator circuit for a beginner to start with and is of course a must on the work bench of an electronics hobbyist. The circuit here is designed to produce waveforms from 20Hz to 20 kHz. The ICL 8038 has to be operated from a dual power supply. Function Audio Distortion Meter Description Here is a simple 1KHz audio distortion meter that can measure the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) on any load at any out put power. Here you have the option to select 2, 4, 8 or 16 Ohm loads. The circuit works by filtering the 1 kHz fundamental signal using a notch filter comprising of L1, C2, C1, R1. With a little time and calculation you can get the correct THD of your amplifier in such a simple way. Audio Distortion Meter Circuit Diagram with Parts List. Notes Inductor L1 is a UTC VC 15 variable inductor. If this is not available try Audio Watt Meter Description This is an easy trick to...

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