Metal detector circuit diagram 6

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The metal detector circuit is composed of the probe oscillator, reference oscillator, oscillation signal processor, mixing amplifier and ammeter PA and other components, and the circuit is shown as the chart. Probe oscillator is composed of the oscillating tube VI, explore coil L1, capacitors C1 ~ C4 and resistors R1 ~ R3 and so on. Reference osci

Metal detector circuit diagram 6
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llator is composed of the oscillating tube V2, inductor L2, capacitors C6 ~ C9 and resistors R2 ~ R4 and so on. Oscillation signal processor consists of six NOT gate (Dl ~ D6) integrated circuit IC and the external RC components. Hybrid amplifier is composed of the diode YD, resistors R12, R13, capacitors C13 and field-effect transistor VF. V1 and V2 use 59018 silicon NPN transistor. VF selects V20A field effect transistor.

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