Mini MW Transmitter

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Here the SW transmitter circuit based on IC BEL1895. This particular transmitter circuit works in shortwave HF band (6 MHz to 15 MHz), and can be applied for shortrange communication and for educational purposes. The circuit is composed of a mic amplifier circuit, a variable frequency oscillator, and modulation amplifier stages. Transistor T1 (BF1

Mini MW Transmitter
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95) is. Simple and easy build of FM transmitter circuit. The circuit only require 2 transistors. Circuit Notes: Typically the default for the capacitors model is ceramic, preferably the npo 1% type or equivalent. However, generally almost nothing critical right here. Work with any capacitor you`ve laying arround, but DO NOT use any electrolytic or tantalum. This is a mini FM transmitter built and powered using 2 transistors, designed by Tony van Roon. This small transmitter is simple to build and its transmissions could be picked up on any common FM radio. It possesses a range of approximately 1/4-mile (400 meters) or even more, depending on the line-of-sight, obstructions by big. Here the short wave AM Transmitter circuit design diagram. The circuit is quite simple and easy to build since it applies only a few electronic components. The primary feature of this transmitter is that it really is absolutely free from the LC (inductor, capacitor) tuned circuit and runs using a fixed frequency of 12 MHz. The following diagram is the schematic diagram of 4 transistors FM transmitter circuit designed by Paul K. Sherby. Components List: R1, R2, R8 = 1K R3 = 100K R4 = 150K R5, R7 = 10K R6 = 220 ohm R9 = 10 ohm P1 = 5K trimpot D1 = 1N4002 Q1, Q2 = 2N3904 Q3, Q4 = 7001, NTE123AP C1. This is an mini fm transmitter. I think this is the simplest one. Simple, easy and of course. cheap. The supply voltage is between 1. 1 - 3 Volts with...

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