Misc RF Topics

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The LO system from the project entitled A Monoband SSB/CW Transceiver in Chapter 6 of EMRFD. The mega low (about -20 dBm) output from a diode ring mixing a VFO and crystal oscillator is triple tuned band-pass filtered and then amplified to +8 dBm. Continuing on, the transmitter chain features more mixing, band-pass filtering and voltage amplification by a feedback

Misc RF Topics
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amplifier chain boosting the signal to around 300 mW. The circuits needed to mix, filter and amplify this RF chain would challenge most amateur designers ” me included. Contrast this with a typical first transmitter built by a new builder. Likely your first scratch homebrew transmitter consisted of a crystal oscillator, a keyed Class A buffer/amplifier and perhaps a Class C final amplifier. No mixer was needed for we obtained a crystal cut on the frequency of choice. Our focus was power ” getting 0. 25 to 1 watt into our antenna system! A good example was the Tuna Tin 2 transmitter by the late Doug DeMaw, W1FB that only used 2 stages. Although Doug wrote his 1976 article for Hams to build a transmitter from parts found at home, kitted versions are sold today. Returning to transmit mixers ” as amateur designers, we likely need to start on a small portion of the transmit chain and then after developing some competency, slowly extend our experiments all the way to the antenna port. In Fall 2010, I just examined some basic transmit mixing to get a feel for what`s involved and what to expect. Mixing signals is a complex affair encompassing topics such as intercept point, conversion gain or loss, image noise suppression, noise figure, spurious/intermodulation products and port isolation. To keep things simple, only mixer port isolation and reducing spurious mixer products were examined. Before beginning, I express the following...

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