Musical car reverse horn circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Here is a simple circuit that will produce a musical horn when ever your car is in reverse gear. The circuit uses two ICs for the operation, voltage regulator 7805(IC1) and musical tone generator UM66(IC2). The IC1 reduces the car battery voltage to 5V. The diodes D1 & D2 in combination produces an additional drop of 1. 4 V to give a 3. 6 V supply fo

Musical car reverse horn circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

r the UM66. The supply voltage of UM 66 should not be more than 4V. When ever the car is in reverse gear, the reverse gear switch of the car gets activated and the circuit gets connected to the car battery. The UM66 starts playing the music tone. The transistor T1 amplifies the output of UM66 to drive the loudspeaker.

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