Open Loop Speed Control of a DC Motor via 8255 Controller

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Open Loop Speed Control of a DC Motor via 8255 Digital I/O Controller chip using TCP/IP Server-Client Application Programmed in Visual Basic. The 8bit DAC0832 chip is used as the Digital to Analog Converter. In this project open loop control of a DC motor will be established using a power amplifier, a digital to analog converter, 8255 digital interface card, a client PC and a Server PC. The DAC

Open Loop Speed Control of a DC Motor via 8255 Controller
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circuit, which is controlled by the server computer via 8255 digital interface, will be used to control the speed of a DC motor by changing the voltage going to the base of the power amplifier. The voltage going into the motor from the power supply is between 0 and +5V. The role of the power amplifier circuit is to provide the current necessary, to operate the motor. The client computer, communicates with the server computer via Ethernet communications and it is the GUI interface to control the speed of the motor. There can be several client computers hooked up to the server, however, for this application there is only one. The winsock component is used in the Visual Basic code to provide the server/client operations. This internet appliance calls for several electro-mechanical components: An 8255 card to interface the server PC with the dc motor control circuits. The 8255 card`s purpose is to provide an interface between the server PC and the dc motor control circuits. More information on the 8255 card`s construction and operation may be found at. The DAC-LF353 op amp circuit provides the proper voltage to the TIP31, which regulates the current coming from the power supply. The circuit is built so that it would output voltage ranging between 5V to +5V. The TIP31 circuit is a power amplifier, which allows current to flow from Collector through the Emitter pin proportional to the voltage on the Base pin. The illustration of...

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