Oscillator Core Examples

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Oscillator Cores (cClappCore, cHartleyCore, cModifiedClappCore, and cModifiedColpittsCore) are compatible with simulation and measurement setups outlined by the Generic Oscillator Example. These core oscillator circuits are configured for low resistance loads. (50ohm is used for these four oscillator cores, although other load values are possible.

Oscillator Core Examples
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) The design and display filenames for these examples follow a naming convention that indicates oscillator type and simulation setup as follows: SimulationType provides one of the following simulation set-ups or measurements: FixedFreqOsc, FreqPull, FreqPush, FreqTune, LSSpar, MapInput, MapOutput, NyqStab, or Phase Noise. For example, the simulation that determines oscillator frequency of a Clapp oscillator has the design filename ClappFixedFreqOsc. dsn and a data display filename ClappFixedFreqOsc. dds. This simulation predicts oscillation frequency, output power, and calculates tank components Lt and Ct. The accompanying data display presents these results. Figure 2-23 shows the Clapp oscillator harmonic balance simulation ClappFixedFreqOsc. dsn that determines oscillation frequency, output power and tank component values at 1GHz. The OscPort probe is shown connected between the active device and tank resonator. Resonator tank components Lt and Ct are computed and shown on the companion data display page. The first possibility shown by Figure 2-24 connects the series resonator between the tank circuit and active device. If resonator losses are low, the series resonator can also be connected between the bipolar base terminal and ground as shown in Figure 2-25. Several simulation setups connect portions of the tank circuit to ground reference. Performing the simulation issues warnings that indicate some components are...

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