Posted on Feb 6, 2014

For the first version of my Open Source Framework for USB Generic HID devices based on the PIC18F and Windows I made a quick example of how to use the library using a USB interface for an LCD. Now that I`ve completed the second version of the library I thought it would be fun to enhance the LCD project into a completely self-contained LCD module w

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hich would fit in a 5. 25 inch drive-bay of a PC case. This project explains how the LCD module can be built along with PIC firmware and Windows host software written around the C# USB Generic HID library. For the example host code the CPU and memory utilisation is displayed on the LCD along with the current time. The hardware is the same size as the LCD itself and can be mounted directly behind the ATM1602B 2*16 LCD module to provide a compact host-powered LCD for many applications. The hardware design is extremely simple and can be built using the supplied PCB artwork or on a stripboard/breadboard. The circuit consists of a PIC18F2550 with a 20 Mhz resonator and the required components for the LCD screen and the USB. The circuit board uses mainly SMD devices (although you could fit through-hole devices in the same space it saves a lot of time drilling holes). Also the USB connection is provided via a SMD mini-USB connector which keeps the whole module very thin and space-efficient. Only the top copper layer is used (and there are no jump wires required) so this can be easily made with a single sided PCB. Here is a picture of the completed board: As you can see in the picture, the display is connected to the controller board using single strand wire. You simply solder the wire to the controller board then mount the LCD on top using some screws (and I used some M6 bolts to act as spacers) and then solder the wires to the...

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