Programmable time-lapse camera controller

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

With a few basic hand tools and a digital camera, this programmable camera controller project is for you. By using components already available at home, costs may be kept to a minimum. A servomotor may be reused from a radio-controlled model and aluminium for the adaptor plate may be acquired from a manufacturer`s scrap bin. Be sure to ask for permission first.

Programmable time-lapse camera controller
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

All the suggested electronic bits need to have a 6-Volt rating or greater and may be bought from local retailers. This project combines creating an electronic circuit, building an adaptor plate so that the servo and the digital camera work together, and writing the software code. Another interesting part of the project is being able to show people your video, produced from the still photographs recorded by this equipment you have created. Choosing the first subject is pretty easy. The author set a camera up in the family room of his own home, when celebrating a birthday. The camera was out of the way and soon forgotten until the video was viewed and resulted in lots of laughs. To work effectively outdoors, protecting equipment is a little more difficult. For temporary shelter, umbrellas are great otherwise a showerproof container with a clear front should be used. Some food containers may be used but the interior must be kept dry or condensation may cause water droplets to form on cold equipment and lenses not a good environment for electronic gear. To reduce condensation inside an enclosure you can fill the excess space with dry rags or bubble wrap. Be sure the lens and servo can still work properly. The camera should be set on the lowest resolution and the flash turned off. Make sure the horizon is horizontal and the verticals are vertical this also makes the video look a bit more professional. Happy time lapsing! When...

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