Regency TR-1 Transistor Radio

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Most surviving TR-1s no longer work. Many collectors (such as myself) prefer to keep them in `as-manufactured` condition. That way the authenticity is preserved. But at some point, you may be anxious to hear one play. Before you start soldering, ask one question - DO I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS Once it`s changed, it`s no longer original, and you may end up

Regency TR-1 Transistor Radio
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with a "modified" radio, and still have one that doesn`t work! NOTE - I`m presenting the information below to document what I did. Unfortunately I`m really not in a position to fix radios belonging to others. There are people who do specialize in fixing "antique" and collector radios and you should be able to track some down on the web or in newsgroups. But unless you have significant experience with electronics repair, I would think carefully about doing it yourself. When I bought my ivory TR-1, I discovered that it had been modified. So I figured, "well, it`s not authentic anymore anyway, so now I`ve got my `experimenter` radio". The first clue was when I spotted a replacement oscillator/converter transistor, X1. The "new" one was a GE 2N168A, which dates back pretty far. It "wiggled" when I touched it - a bad sign, indicating the foil PC board trace into which it was soldered was probably pulled away from the board. This happens when too much heat is used in soldering. I was going to need good documentation of how the radio should appear, where the parts go, and suggested schemes for doing the repair. Here`s what I used (if you need higher resolution jpg files of these, let me know): 6. Unsolder (go easy with this) tabs 3 and 4. Pull the board away from the chassis as you do this, but be careful with the fine antenna wire that should remain attached. 7. Pull the chassis and PC board apart. The antenna wire and the volume...

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