Restoration of a Yamaha A-760 vintage integrated amplifier

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

A matching Yamaha T-760 tuner. It sounds (and obviously looks) great with the A-760. The cost was 6 euros, plus 16, 20 euros for shipping from Austria. 31-12-2006: Put back an X2 RFI capacitor, cleaned all the switches and pots with De-Oxit, re-checked and readjusted bias and offset and power supply voltages per the service manual, visually re-inspected the circuitry, and now it`s

Restoration of a Yamaha A-760 vintage integrated amplifier
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setup for some serious listening with a pair of Yamaha Pianocraft bookshelves. So far performing (and almost looking) like new! 24-12-2006: Replaced a burned lamp with a couple of resistors, a diode and a white LED. Checked the power transistors, cleaned up the amp, fired it up and it works! 23-12-2006: Opened the cover, found out what was burned, took some pictures. See below. A quick visual check of the other components does not reveal any obvious damage. 23-12-2006: got the amplifier this morning, directly from the previous owner, with the original owner`s manual. Was warned about the smoke that came out of the amp when it burned. It does smell bad! The Yamaha A-760 is a stereo 80W/ch. integrated amplifier manufactured in Japan by Yamaha and sold worldwide only in 1981. I have the European model. The A-760 and its slightly bigger brother (100W/ch. ) the A-960 are the successors to the renowned CA-1000/CA-1010/CA-2010 integrated amplifiers. Yamaha advertised the A-760 and A-960 as featuring a new "X" power supply, which would adjust the power supply`s line voltage to the level required by the output stage; Yamaha used the same technology in their R-1000 and R-2000 receivers, and in the TOTL M-60 and B-6 ("pyramid" design) power amplifiers. Apparently Bob Carver held a patent for exactly this sort of technology and threatened Yamaha with a patent infringement lawsuit. In 1982 Yamaha came out with revised A-760II and...

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