Robo Atmega328p project

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This project was used to introduce a friend of mine to microcontrollers and circuits. I wanted something that used a variety of microcontroller functionalities and used only parts that I had lying around. I ended up using a PS2 numpad as the key entry mechanism since it was what I happened to see in the thrift store, and it happened to come with t

Robo Atmega328p project
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he connector it mated to. I left the decoupling capacitors off without any ill effect, and you could most likely get away without a pull up resistor on the reset circuit. The 220uF capacitor was a must though. Without it the servo would cause large dips in the voltage causing the microcontroller to reset. Originally, I had the microcontroller drive the speaker through a resistor, but this turned out to be too quiet to hear through the book. To fix this I added a MOSFET to allow a larger current than the microcontroller could output directly. Writing the code turned out to be extremely easy. The arduino IDE comes with libraries to handle producing tones and controlling servos. I was also able to find a library for PS2 keyboard. A couple of things to note using these libraries: TheIRQpin specified for the keyboardcorrespondsto the externalinterruptnumber of the pin you attach the keyboard`s clock signal to. I originally specified the digital pin number which was incorrect. Since I didn`t want to actually waste an Arduino on this project, I ended up soldering the components directly to an Atmega328p. I had an AVR programmer so I could have just directly programmed the hex file produced by the Arduino IDE, but I decided to burn on a boot loader to make future updates easier. I followed the guide here using theminimal configuration. Unfortunately, the board. txt file that site supplies seems to be for an older version of the...

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