ScratchBoard Emulator using Arduino Uno

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

A circuit and arduino code to approximately emulate a ScratchBoard ; there is sound, light, a button and four sliders but it isn`t a drop-in replacement. remember to change the COM ports in the Arduino IDE and in Scratch so that they are not competing (if the Arduino is on COM3 then only one of the IDE or Scratch can use COM3 at a given ti

ScratchBoard Emulator using Arduino Uno
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

me) configuring things in Scratch is a bit cryptic: you need to right-click on the sensor value  block to show the watcher  then right-click on that to set the COM port. This was written by Adam. Posted on Monday, February 27, 2012, at 11:35 pm. Filed under Arduino, Microcontrollers. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments here with the RSS feed. Post a comment or leave a trackback.

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