Servoelectric Guitar Project

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The current Milwaukee Guitar design uses an off-board computer (a desktop PC) to control the servomotors. A standard USB number pad is connected to the computer which then provides output signals through a Velleman K8055 USB experiment interface board to the servo circuits. This K8055 board provides eight digital outputs and two analog outputs. In

Servoelectric Guitar Project
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

order to get three analog voltages, a sample and hold circuit using a CMOS CD4066 quad bilateral switch and two LF 353 high input impedance operational amplifiers was constructed. (schematic) The KE 8055 was controlled with C program written in Borland C (available free from Borland ) executing in the command window on a Microsoft Windows operating system. The program permits tuning of the guitar one string at a time and provides an arbitrary mapping of keys of the keyboard to combinations of string tensions.

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