Simple Ring Modulator

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This is a very simple ring modulator circuit which will allow you to make interesting analogue sound effects using two audio sources and some kind of amplifier or recording device. Almost everyone has access to a couple of mp3 players and some powered computer speakers nowadays, so this is quite an easy way to go about it. One very familiar use fo

Simple Ring Modulator
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r this old style of ring mod is that which produces the "Dalek" voice. I will concentrate on that application in the text, but there are other effects you can produce which I`ll discuss later. I supply a kit of all the electronic parts in the list above, or you can buy your own. I`ve assumed that you have a small screwdriver for the terminal screws, some small wire cutters for trimming the component leads and some means of stripping the insulation from the wire. A craft knife is good for that. It is best to mount up the circuit in an enclosure or nail it down to some wood when it is all working, and the holes in the terminal strips make that easy to do. This is a nice simple circuit which you can make pretty much just by looking at the final picture. The components list has links to photographs of the components. I`ve included a full electronic explanation later on. If that doesn`t make any sense, don`t let it put you off just building the circuit. Using a craft knife or scissors, cut the terminal strip into two pieces of two terminals and two pieces of three terminals. The four diodes can then be assembled the correct way around by cutting the leads to about the right length and trapping the ends under the screws in the terminal blocks as shown. I fold the leads of the diodes back a bit at the end to make them easier to trap properly under the terminal screws. Don`t tighten the screws too much at this stage as you may want...

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