Strategic Dog Initiative

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The second method is to record (realtime) the actual bark in an analog CCD delay line (~100 msec FIFO) and upon recognition that the sound is a bark, the device plays back-through a loudspeaker-that last recorded 100 msec of bark. It really confuses them; they start shortening the number of their barks, until they often give up. It is funny t

Strategic Dog Initiative
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o watch/hear their initial confusion! 3) The third approach works well on cold winter nights when you can hear every dog in town, and so can your neighbors` dogs! It is continuous white noise played through a loudspeaker, toward the offending dog(s). This seems to "mask" the sounds that trigger the dog`s barking. Be careful however, because you could run afoul of your local noise ordinance-especially if your neighboring dog owner is "gunning" for you! * What type of pot core and winding -Actually, I used several pot cores stacked, such that the primaries were driven in parallel and the secondaries were connected in series-all phased correctly. This was done as a quick & dirty way of achieving a "step up" and allow for enough power-before core saturation. The specific pot core specs are only important relative to optimum operating frequency: ~10 kHz to ~40 Khz, peaking at ~ 20 kHz. However, this is not critical due to the broadband nature of ferrite transformers. One could use alternate transformer technology: single large ferrite torrid. * What is the freq range of the circuit (and a dogs ultrasonic hearing range, for that matter) -I have typically used a frequency above the human range ~ 20 kHz. Dogs seem to respond to almost any frequency up to 30 kHz (and maybe above). My main intent was to not attract the owner`s attention, but use enough power & directivity to get the animal`s attention!

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