Super Motion Sensor Ultrasonic Motion Detector

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Diploma Final Year Project represents the culmination of our learning process, where it is a must to put into use from previously learned engineering and personal skills. The assessment has a major influence on decisions regarding readiness to graduate. This final year project is a year-long project that evolves through three written phases: Propo

Super Motion Sensor Ultrasonic Motion Detector
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

sal, Progress Report and Final Report. At the end of the cycle, we are required to give a presentation of our proposed work. The above pictures is all about our victory of gaining the TOP 3 award among all the Final Year Project diploma students who participated. The result were published on the rps website. Two laptops were placed on the right and left of the main project board. Where one of the laptop displays the video and pictures slide show on how the project was brought up. The another laptop is for the assessors and visitors to view our blog online. Kindly explaining to the students regarding our projects. The purpose, circuit design, applications of the projects and the differences between the circuits were explained to each of the visitors who drop by at our booth. The 100% completed installation of application for Ultrasonic Motion Detector as shown in the image above. The designation of the prototype based on our own idea and thinking. The project is done very carefully by handling the ultrasonic sensors correctly. The project is now ready for exhibition. The image shows that the complete application method for Super Motion Sensor. The placement of circuit outside and the sensor(ldr) inside the briefcase done according to our own point of view. The project is now ready for exhibition. The table below shows the differences between Super Motion Sensor and Ultrasonic Motion Detector based on the analysis and...

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