Switch De-Bouncer Circuit

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The 555 circuit can be re-triggered if the input is held low longer than the output pulse. To prevent this happening, I have included a further timing circuit comprised of the 1Meg resistor and 47n capacitor. Normally, the 47n capacitor is discharged via the 1 Meg resistor. When the switch is pressed the capacitor quickly charges and provides a br

Switch De-Bouncer Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ief negative pulse to the 555 input. When the capacitor is fully charged, the potential across the voltage divider formed by the 10k and 1Meg resistors is insufficient to retrigger the monostable. Releasing the switch quickly discharges the capacitor. The output of a 555 monostable is suitable for connecting to TTL and CMOS logic circuits.

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