Switched Bike Light

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Do you have a bicycle. why don`t try to build this circuit. . Powered using battery 3-6V. This circuit will help the bicycle driver in the night and help other people to know your presence. Switched ON Bike Lamp circuit diagram: Component part list: R1 = Photo resistor (any type) R2 = 22K 1/2W Trimmer Cermet. This is the circuit diagram of autom

Switched Bike Light
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atic light controller which use 78xx voltage regulator IC series. The voltage regulator ICs deliver a constant output voltage, as against a extensively fluctuating input supply, when the common terminal is grounded. Any voltage about zero volt (ground) interconnected within the common terminal is added to the output voltage. . How this sound activated light works: The condenser microphone fitted inside a position to catch the sound and generates AC signals, which pass by means of DC blocking capacitor C1 for the base of transistor BC549 (T1). Transistor T1 as well as transistor T2 amplifies the sound signals and delivers current pulses within the collector. LEDs (Light Emitting Diode) part are interesting things. They only operate at VDC within specific tolerances, and generally connected with a current limiting resistor towards the power source. Rather than a resistor, it is possible to use a FET (Field Effect Transistor) like the ECG31 and, NTE312 (you may try other types). When the gate. Following is a circuit you can use to delay an electronic device to be disabled. For example, you can connect this circuit to the lamp in your room. When you turn off the lamp with a switch on the circuit, the lamp will remain lit in a certain period of time, before the lamp really. This is the basic dark and light sensor which using photoresistor as sensing component. The transistor act like as a switch, when the "switch" in on...

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