TPA3007D1 Mono Medium Power Filter-Free Class-D Audio Amplifier

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The TPA3112D1 is a 25-W efficient, Class-D Audio power Amplifier for driving a bridge tied speaker. Advanced EMI Suppression Technology enables the use of inexpensive ferrite bead Filters at the outputs while meeting EMC requirements. SpeakerGuard speaker protection system includes an adjustable power limiter and a DC detection circuit. The adj

TPA3007D1 Mono Medium Power Filter-Free Class-D Audio Amplifier
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ustable power limiter allows the user to set a "virtual" voltage rail lower than the chip supply to limit the amount of current through the speaker. The DC detect circuit measures the frequency and amplitude of the PWM signal and shuts off the output stage if the input capacitors are damaged or shorts exist on the inputs. The TPA3112D1 CAN drive a mono speaker as low as 4. The high efficiency of the TPA3112D1 > 90%, eliminates the need for an external heat sink when playing music. The outputs are fully protected against shorts to GND, VCC, and output-to-output. The short-circuit protection and thermal protection includes an auto-recovery feature. By Texas Instruments

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