TV remote control Blocker Circuit Jammer using Ic 555 and IR Leds

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Just point this small device at the TV and the remote gets jammed. The circuit is self explanatory. 555 is wired as an astable multivibrator for a frequency of nearly 38 kHz. This is the frequency at which most of the modern TVs receive the IR beam. The transistor acts as a current source supplying roughly 25mA to the infra red LEDs. To increase the range of the circuit simply decrease the value of the 180 ohm resistor

TV remote control Blocker Circuit Jammer using Ic 555 and IR Leds
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

to not less than 100 ohm. It is required to adjust the 4. 7K potentiometer while pointing the device at your TV to block the IR rays from the remote. This can be done by trial and error until the remote no longer responds.

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