Utah T1-Rate Modem

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This is a `quick-and-dirty` page that I set up to describe the T1-rate modem that I designed several years ago (in 1993, actually. ) Let me point out that unless you are going to use this on wires, this modem is absolutely useless to anyone other than licensed amateur radio operators: It does NOT intrinsically lend itself to FCC part 15 operation.

Utah T1-Rate Modem
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

You are free to experiment with this design as much as you want. All I ask is that you do so legally and, if you make any improvements and refinements, you let me know what you have done so that I can share them with others as well. It is not plug-and-play. What you get are schematics and a description. If you are intimidated when it comes to building things from scratch, then maybe you need to pick another project (or find a friend to help you build it. ) This modem is not the ultimate in optimized design. This is a somewhat refined prototype that DOES work as advertised, as long as it is adjusted correctly by someone who understands what they are doing. This modem uses easily obtainable, off-the-shelf parts that should be available, through only modest effort, anywhere in the world. I am absolutely confident that this design can be improved upon. This is a baseband modem. That is, given a medium that has a bandwidth of 1. 5 MHz (starting at a few 10`s of hertz) and is reasonably well-behaved in terms of amplitude and phase, this modem will push data across it. This is a full-duplex modem (well actually, if you only ever wanted to send data in one direction, that would be fine, too. ) Clock acquisition takes a significant fraction of a second, so you will want to have a path that is there all of the time. Suppose you have wideband FM transmit/receive radio set (Amateur Television FM transmitter and receiver are almost...

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