arduino circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This page is browser friendly, by the way. Make your browser`s window less wide than your whole screen and you will find the narrower columns much easier to read. The page is in two parts. At the top, there`s a very basic program, showing you the RFID reader at work. At the bottom, that program is slightly modified, to create something to open a d

arduino circuit
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oor when either of two specific RFID devices are brought near the reader. Before we get down to work, how`s this for a neat way to carry an RFID tag with you everyday The central photo shows the tag. It is a small glass capsule. Sparkfun sell them in this form for about $5. My watch strap just happens to have a little cavity, just the perfect size, on its underside. I`m still looking for the "perfect" glue to hold it in place. Hot-melt glue wasn`t the answer. In this page I will show you the basics of connecting an Innovations ID-20 RFID reader, available from Sparkfun. com, to an Arduino. ($35, (+p&p, 12/11)While the essay was written while working with an ID-20, I don`t believe that users of the ID-12 would do anything different. (The ID-12 is less expensive, $30, (+p&p, 12/11) but doesn`t read over such a long range. In hindsight, I don`t thing the extra range of the ID-20 makes any difference to me, in my application. I have the ID-20 behind a pane of glass, and "wipe" my RFID tag across the glass. I don`t think the ID-12 would have trouble. I have to bring my tag within about 8cm of the reader anyway, so being closer isn`t a problem. See below for an even less expensive option. ) If you take my advice, if you buy the Sparkfun product, you will also buy the breakout board Sparkfun offers for the ID-20 (or ID-12). Part SEN-08423, 95 cents. And the 2mm socket strip (2x PRT-08272, $1 ea). The pin numbers used below are the...

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