arduino volt ammeter final part printed

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

After all job of building the prototype and making the sketch work, it`s the time to build the circuit. It`s not the objective to explain in detail how to make printed circuit boards, but only a superficial explanation about it, besides, of course, to present the project changes to make it works out of Arduino board. Board designs are made with sp

arduino volt ammeter final part printed
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ecialized softwares. There are several available, including for free. In this project I prefered to use the CadSoft Eagle given it`s components library size available on the web, an interesting tip is also download the SparkFun components library that appear to have all components that they sell, a wide variety, and can save a big drawing time. The schematic is a circuit logical view that is a prerequisite for drawing the tracks and validate it later. Basically the requirements to run an Arduino project on an independent printed circuit board is a 5v power supply, a 16Mhz crystal oscillator, and, of course, link the microcontroller pins with all digital and analog ports of Arduino board. The diagram bellow is popular on web and explain how we need to draw the schematic to work as the prototype. It`s not the objective of this article to teach anyone to etch copper boards, for that there are several articles out there. But I`d like to make some important considerations. The method used for this project was the heat transfer with clothes iron. I tried before to transfer the printer toner directly as explained in some articles out there. But as each printer has it`s own characteristics is almost impossible determine a procedure that works in most cases, not to mention the various irons types and board sizes to be transferred. It`s also notable the copper deterioration of the printed parts, which suggests that the transferred...

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