circuit power audio amplifier with

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This circuit is a complete application is 2. 1 amp, two satellite speakers for TDA and one for the subwoofer, making the 2. 1 system, widely used in commercial applications as an amplifier for computers, which may give an increased in its audio system with a stereo amplifier + bass amplifier (subwoofer). The power supply is of symmetric type, using

circuit power audio amplifier with
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a transformer, 110 or 220 with dual secondary 12 volts and 3A current. I recommend using a fuse and a switch before the transformer. B1 is a bridge rectifier least 100 volts / 4 A, an example that can be used is GBU606, the filtering circuit is formed of the capacitors C1, C2, C3 and C4, the electrolytes can have values from 4700 F. The power supply for the op amp Highpass filter, is used three terminal integrated circuits 7812 and 7912. The left and right channels give exactly the same, let`s see how the left channel: LIN is the audio input jack, which is coupled by C20 to the pot volume adjustment, it is a double pot, and set the two channels simultaneously. R19/C22, helps to improve the signal of the treble. The capacitor C21 couples the signal to CI6 TDA2030, after amplified audio output is pin 4 of integrated. The resistor R7 and R9 are responsible for feedback, so by changing the value of R7 can increase or decrease the gain of the amplifier. R20 and C23 form the compensation network for the speakers. The signal comes from the subwoofer to the left and right channels by resistors R15 and R10 being decoupled by capacitor C12, is applied in the operational amplifier 1 IC4A NE5532, which forms a pre-amplifier to boost the signal by 6 times. Determined by R6/R8 resistor. The components C9, C10 and R10 form a low pass filter in this case is calculated to 200Hz. After leaving IC4B the low frequency audio through the...

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