circuit ultrasonic mosquito

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This is a small circuit insect repellent, mosquitoes and birds, or other methods to produce high frequency audio signals. Interfere with the hearing of insects. Make it insufferable, wings to escape in the end. Operation of this circuit is used IC1 number 4047. A duty to produce frequency. MOSQUITO REPELLANT They will be swarming once again, the unwanted, winged torturers, looking for the victims

circuit ultrasonic mosquito
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and leaving behind swelling and itch! The mosquito problem is a part of everyday life, espacially during the summer. Since the immemorial, inventive people have struggled hard to find effective means of protection against these insects. Even though it is a fact that only the females are dangerous, the males can also create situations of panic by their humming. Ultrasonic Pest repeller circuit It is well know that pests like rats, mice etc are repelled by ultrasonic frequency in the range of 30 kHz to 50 kHz. Human beings can`t hear these high-frequency sounds. Unfortunately, all pests do not react at the same ultrasonic frequency. While some pests get repelled at 35 kHz, some others get repelled at 38 to 40 kHz

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