converter r2elhc600a 10v

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A medium current switch mode power converter, designed for powering of superconducting loads requiring positive or negative current and positive or negative voltage control (4 quadrants). Constructed from a modular architecture composed of 2x [+/-400A +10V] power modules (active redundancy), the system can most of the time provide required current

converter r2elhc600a 10v
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to the load since often less than |400A|, even with 1 Power Module only. Primary use is in LHC particle accelerator irradiated locations (redundancy and Radiation tolerant). The converter is water cooled, and is thus ideally suited to situations where air losses must be carefully managed. Designed for underground operation, extensive remote diagnostics have been foreseen to allow efficient monitoring and fault diagnostics without requiring being present locally. Power part is identified as a 4 quadrant voltage source, even if an internal current source control is required to adequately share output current between power modules. Power Module is actually a high frequency fully bidirectionnal (+/-400A +/-10V) current source (7-8kHz) controlled by a 1kHz bandwidth voltage loop. One can notice that Power Module is actually a current cource in its structure, even if voltage source capacitors are located in this block for mechanical reasons. Representation below gives a symbolic structure of the power converter, clarifying the cascade loops. The multiplication of rectifier stages in each output module gives the following advantages: easier design of magnetic parts, lower rating fuse (lower losses) to protect whole Power Converter being short-circuited by a faulty secondary (fuse would immediately blow in case one of the schottky dies, giving the possibility to the whole power converter to reconfigure the current level in other...

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