digital counter circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The Digital Counter Circuit is an electronic project that converts digital numbers (0-9) to binary (0-1). If you want to understand binary code, please click on `Binary Code PPT` to view a PowerPoint on Binary Code. Below is the Parts List, Schematic, and other information on how to build it. It will cost somewhere between $20 & $30 depending on t

digital counter circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ax and shipping. I bought all the parts from Jameco Electronics and RadioShack. 4. 5V Battery Holder (You can get a 4 compartment battery holder and solder a wire to 2 ends on 1 compartment to make it hold 3 batteries. I used a 4-D Cell holder and soldered and glued a nail to 1 end) # 216401 $1. 35 If you want to get any of the parts, click on the item number to go purchase it from the manufacturer. To build this, it will take a lot of patience and a steady arm and will involve soldering. When soldering the wires to the pins, first solder the pins to the perfboard then put the tip of the wire against the pad while the solder is still melted. Hold the wire down until the solder cools. If you have a 3 way connection, make a solder-bridge between the connections. Most of these are from the 4 Binary Code lines (A, B, C, D) between the 3 IC`s. I recommend that you find a spot on the perfboard, solder each of the 3 wires down to 3 adjacent pads, & solder-bridge them together. On the IC 7404, 4 of the pins are used to prevent a "bounce" effect from happening. To do this, you make a RS NOR latch by connecting the 2 inverters in series (the output of one is connected to the input of another. )

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